Daniella Sol

Empower Your Heart

Your journey of healing is unique. I provide personalized guidance to help you navigate your emotional landscape, transforming despair into hope, self-doubt into self-love, criticism into compassion, and anger into forgiveness.

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Hear from Hearts Healed

Stories of Transformation

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Sharon Mymon - LA

“I reached out to Daniella after I lost both of my parents to cancer. Daniella helped me to overcome my fears and anxiety. I highly recommend her to anyone who is dealing with any loss, she’s a true gift of life!“

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Ryan Sarraf - LA

“I started working with Daniella after a difficult breakup.
With Daniella, I have made tremendous progress in such a little time. she helped me by giving me outside perspectives on how to look on the situation, and how to deal with my emotions”

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Jonathan Waysman - FL

“Daniella possesses a natural talent for intuitive healing. She guides you in discovering your inner balance, overcoming past trauma, and connecting with your authentic self. Through her support, you can become your own healer.”

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CJ Tutsi - LA

“Daniella helped me to be more confident, to have more clarity of what I want in my life, and to stand up for myself. It has been a very empowering process which helped me to stay connected with myself no matter what challenge i faced.”

About Daniella Sol

An intuitive healer with a track record of supporting, guiding, and healing individuals from around the globe since 2010. Her expertise lies in facilitating significant changes in people’s lives, helping them heal from past negative experiences and traumas, and fostering deeper connections with their loved ones and themselves, in order to manifest what their heart desire.

After years of honing her healing skills with countless clients, she created her own unique modality known as The RCM modality.The acronym RCM represents her unique approach of Releasing, Connecting and Manifesting .

Drawing upon her formal education, holistic modalities, and strong intuition, Daniella possesses a unique ability to identify the root causes of a person’s struggles. She works collaboratively with her clients, combining the transformative RCM modality and effective coaching strategies to overcome these challenges.

How Does It Work?

The RCM Modality


Let go of past burdens, traumas, and limiting beliefs. Release energetic ties with toxic people who drain your energy. This phase is about emotional cleansing, creating space for healing and new beginnings.


Deepen your self-awareness and self-acceptance. Here, you'll strengthen your inner connection, fostering self-esteem and a sense of belonging.


Turn insights into action. This final phase is about actualizing your goals, empowered by clarity and a renewed sense of purpose.

Our deepest pain is the launching pad of our highest calling

My Healing Story

Every Healer has a wake up call to become one. I had mine in 2005 when I gave birth to my twin girls, and almost died from a heart failure. I was declared 100% handicapped with a function of 20% of my heart’s muscle, but after 6 months I completely healed. That was my private miracle that sent me to a spiritual journey. After I healed my physical heart, I understood that I have to heal my wounded emotional heart as well.


My Life's Mission

In the past 14 years I dedicated my life to heal my wounded heart, and other people’s wounded hearts. I help people  release and let go of their limitings beliefs and soul decisions, and release energetic ties with people that are draining their energy. I help them to release and overcome toxic relationship, and empower them to love, respect and appreciate themselves.  And ultimately empower them to discover their passions, and manifest the life they desire.

Heart Healing Insights

Content for your healing journey



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